Saturday 16 April 2022



[caption id="attachment_17126" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022! TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022![/caption] Where I will be going over a few interior design trends can be used in 2022. As a design firm, we don't see run with trends on the whole. These are the changes that I see have popped up over the last two years, and trends that are expected to last for years to come.. So there's certainly aspects of design that I feel very comfortable implementing in my interior design projects and I highly recommend that. You use them in your projects.
If we look at this project, you can see, for example, on the arm chairs they combine a very textured material and the non the arms. There's some heavily textured wood and, there's some warm neutrals that are coming through, so it doesn't feel too cold everything feels very raw and natural it's not about highly polished, finishes it's, much more about brush textures and enjoying those natural materials with their natural beauty. The next trend, I'd like to talk about is using antiques in interiors. Now by no means are wea, traditional design fan, we love contemporary classic interiors, but for me the absolute best interiors combine different styles and different areas. So if you look at this project for example a lot of the furniture is very contemporary you have.


The very paired back dining table very modern joinery for the tv and then, if you notice, in the corner nestled behind the dining table we, have this burr walnut, antique Chester drawer sand. I think that just looks so elegant combined with, the more modern fan show it makes it feel more layered. It doesn't look like it's all been installed at the same time, by an interior. Designer it almost gives the impression that this is a home owner. Who's collected their possessions, over a period of time and the other thing what that I love about antiques is they introduce a beautiful patina into the room? This one isn't perfect: by any means it has cracks in it and you can see some wear and tear, and I think that adds to the beauty the color also draws out the tan color scheme that we have in the cushions in the living room, so i think. It just feels very cohesive and it's a good example of how you can use a piece of furniture that. Initially might look, like it wouldn't work in that setting but. Actually in practice, it works so well so I would say don't be scared to use antiques in your interiors. Even if you want to use them to create a contemporary interior, you can still do that. [caption id="attachment_17127" align="alignleft" width="642"]TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022! TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022![/caption] TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS: Banquette's Number three is using banquette's now this is something that I've seen emerge a lot, not only in our portfolio for our clients, projects but interior designers, all over the world are embracing this trend. What it means is you put effectively, you put the dining seating right, next to the wall, and that allows you to push everything slightly over that way and it frees up some space elsewhere in the room. This is one of the more formal settings where I've used a banquette but. I think it works really well because it's all about everything else that you combine. It with another great aspect about using banquet seating is that it's very comfortable so, for example, in this kitchen that we designed in knights bridge we decided to put a corner band cap because not only does it provide additional seating and it really is good at saving space, but it's also very comfortable. So behind me, in this photograph what you can't see is there's a tv screen and. When we were designing the layout of this kitchen. We envisaged that the owners would sit there maybe put their feet up and snuggle up and watch some movies in the afternoon the next trend. I'M going to talk about is metals and not just any metal but there's a real trend towards bronze and antique brass and. I feel the days of chrome really are.


Over it still has its place, but predominantly we're using, these two metals, which feel a little bit more contemporary and they also add some warmth to, your interior. In this boy's bedroom, we designed you can see. We've used an antique dark bronze throughout, that's on the lighting. Next to the bed down, the doors of the cabinets next to the headboard and on the open, shelving and I think. This is a good example of how bringing some metal into your interior really makes it feel a bit more contemporary adds a lot more interest if we just on the shelves. Above the desk in timber it would have felt quite heavy and a little bit boring we've all seen that quite a lot but. I think the metal bands overlaid on top of the shelves really add a lot of interest in here we, aren't just using antique brass and bronze metals in bedrooms and living rooms, but also we're, seeing that come into the bathroom. This bathroom is example where it uses one of my absolute. Favorite tap ranges which is by jessie and. This particular tap is called the elegant a tap what. I love about this finish. Is it's very hardwearing? It's very practical, unlike chrome, if you leave water just sit on top of it, you're not going to, get little watermarks, and so from that stance it's. Really really good, but i think it also adds a lot of warmth into a bathroom which is a room that tends to feel quite cold and but i think, the antique brass really livens up their space. Against the cooler tones of the marble, a major trend that we've seen coming through and if you've been on Instagram and Pinterest you won't be able to avoid is critter glass.
[caption id="attachment_17128" align="alignright" width="474"]TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022! TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022![/caption] I think it's one of those trends that was really really strong and I personally wanted to see if it was around to stay before. I fully embraced it, but having introduced it a little bit into our projects, I can wholeheartedly say I absolutely love it. Andi think it's here to stay for the long term there's lots of different ways. You can use crystal glass in your project. It doesn't have to, be all the windows here in this kitchen, we've used crystal glass screens that can fold across the space and close the kitchen off from the open plan dining area, and then they just open up into a pocket space. So you can have it fully open plan as well and they combine some reeded glass in there that gives you some privacy if the kitchen's slightly messy or if the client has caterers whilst they're eating. We are also using a similar idea in our project in Portugal with some freestanding screens. That will be fixed to the ceiling and the floor that are going to have quite a similar design, and I think it works so well on a slightly more contemporary project the. Next trend isn't just about being on trend it's, also about practical consideration, so we are more and more increasingly setting rugs into timber floor so that you don't double upon materials. You don't have to have wooden floor go across the whole room and then put a rug on top you have less material that you're needing to use, and it also works well with a space like a dining room if you've got chairs that might be half on the rug, half off normally. You have to go oversize in the rug to, make sure that your furniture won't wobble but. This allows you to have a complete level floor throughout, even though you have the effect and look of a rug. I particularly love using this design idea in bedrooms where especially in the uk. I love a carpeted bedroom I feel like it's just much more, inviting and warmer and. When you get out, then in the morning it's nice to put your foot down on something soft.
That said I feel like we're moving away from wall-to-wall carpets and it looks a lot more considered and neat. If you have a timber border that runs around the perimeter of the room, it works goes in front of, all your joinery and then around where the skirting is. By doing that, i think it just looks a lot more tailored and a lot more contemporary so. This is something that we're doing. Increasingly on, all of our projects - we're not just using this design idea with carpets and timber floor but it also works equally well in bathrooms. [caption id="attachment_17129" align="alignleft" width="280"]TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022! TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022![/caption] In this particular bathroom, we wanted to use a mosaic tile which. I really love it's something that we picked up when we were doing a project in America and. I think it works so well. Almost feels like you've got a rug in the bathroom and it's great for anti-slip as well, because the different small pieces of tile kind of stop you from slipping over but. I think if you were to run that mosaic across the whole room right into the skirting where, you might not be able to have a complete tile, it would look quite messy and. I felt like it needed some structure to feel contained so. We did a slab border around the mosaic which gives. This kind of rug look to the room and i think works so well and we're going to continue to use this on future projects. The next trend is lighter and warmer wood tones. I think. A few years ago we were all using so much dark gray oak stains that we've kind of rebelled against that, and now it's all about, the lighter wood tones in this particular project we've used some paneling across the tv wall, and this is all in a very light maple veneer and what I Love about this particular design is by using the really light colored wood you get a beautiful contrast to the bronze beading that runs over the panels, and I think contrast is something that I'm continually trying to find in my projects. I think it really makes everything stand out and look more beautiful this little dressing area is a custom dressing table that we designed for our clients children they, wanted a double dressing table that would work for both the girls to get ready at the same time, and i absolutely love this finish - that We developed, it's an oak veneer that we've then added a lime wash to so what you're seeing is the natural color of oat coming through and. It's a lot warmer than the other oak finishes that we've previously used and we still continue to use, but I think it just feels really uplifting and offsets the cooler tone son, the walls and, in the fabrics and, add some warmth to that room. So let's talk about colors everyone always wants to know about what colors are on trend and, it's something that I get asked about all the time and I hate answering the question but for you guys I'm going to answer so i would say: the biggest color, that's on trend right now and Again this is a trend that's set to last.
Color palette, like off-white sofas, off-white rugs and it just needs a tiny amount to add some interest and warmth into that scheme. So i absolutely love this color. I think in this particular project you can see it works really well with other natural elements. In the space like the wicker basket, that you can see in the background this bedroom is yet another example. It's from the same project and. This client didn't actually particularly love color, but we managed to squeeze some rust stones in. I think i convinced them by telling them it was just two cushions. So they could always get rid of them if they didn't like it, but it really shows you the power of what this color can do if. You took those cushions away, it would be very light. There really isn't any other color in the room, but it's such a strong color and such a beautiful color that. Just by adding two cushions. It adds a lot of interest and totally changes the feel of the room. Okay screens, everyone loves, the screen these were the first ever screens we did and. I think it must have been about seven years ago you walk into the entrance hall and. This sitting area is right there in front of you and we love the open plan style of it and. Our client didn't want to put any doors here but, they kind of wanted to create some kind of separation. So when people are walking in the front door, they don't feel like they're walking straight into that sitting area. I came up with this particular design, because if you look into the garden, you can see there's the swimming pool area. So it kind of reminds me of the pattern that you get on water when the sun catches up and I think the organic shape lends itself really well to the space. Where there's a lot of angular lines, the rooms are very square and. [caption id="attachment_17130" align="alignleft" width="474"]TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022! TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022![/caption] It just really breaks up that and makes. It feel a lot more interesting textured walls. Now walls are almost becoming art and themselves. We are increasingly using interesting wall coverings, whether it's polished plaster wallpaper, even suede or paneling in. This particular project. We did a polish plaster but, it's not your typical polish plaster. It has a very heavily textured and matte fill and I think that's a bit more interesting than always using the same polish plaster, and we wanted to go for this particular finish because it feels very raw and earthy and it worked well with all there's t of the furnishings in here when we First did it, i will be honest in a building site. When you, do this kind of textured plaster or concrete it almost looks like you forgot to decorate the wall, but once everything else is finished and you lay it at the r and all the protection comes. Off you can really see the true beauty of this finish in. This project we combine quite a few different materials on the walls, so we have paneling with suede on the walls which feels uber luxurious, and when you're in there. It just gives you a sort, of cocooning warm feel, but we didn't just want todo one finish so on the tv joinery rather than just, doing all timber. What we've done on either side, you can see. There's some panels either side and. These need to have access, because behind there is, where the air conditioning m e is so, we've done two different types of plaster on there, there's a smooth plaster and a texture plaster and again it's all about the different textures in here so when, the light comes in through the window. You can really see the beauty of that now. Paneling we've seen, a lot of bad examples of plant unmolding not. All paneling is created equal. If you want to embrace this trend into your home there's a couple of things, i would say you need to do. So don't just go for a really bulky plant on molding look at all the other architectural features in your home. Look at your skirting your architrave and try and pick out a profile that lines up with those kind of profiles.


So it looks a bit more considered. Try not to go anything that projects too far from the wall. It can look really obvious that you've just put it on there afterwards and looks like a bit of an afterthought and, I would say: go tonal I quite like when the paneling is painted the same color as the rest. Of the wall, it's a slightly more subtle, look and in this bedroom. You can see we've added in some silk wall, covering into the panels again we're just adding, more texture, more interest, more luxury, In conclusion TOP INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2022! these are the top interior design trends for 2022. Keep these in mind when planning your next redesign and you will be sure to create a space that is both stylish and timeless.    

2021 Interior Design Trends pt. 1 - 2021 Interior Design Trends pt. 2 -

🎶 Music: Epidemic Sound -

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♥ Vivien source

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